So the house was turned upside down, toilet paper strewn about, fruit was found in children's shoes, coins and candy were scattered about. Just another ordinary St. Pat's day, umm...and no we are not Irish. We're just extremely lucky to have been adopted by our very own Leprechaun. Yea lucky...

So thank you Lep for all you do. St. Patrick's Day wouldn't be the same without you.
And on we go adding a new character to the walls of our lovely tp'd home. Sam I Am recently arrived bearing what else but green eggs and ham. This fantastic mini was my February Children's Literature Swap with Jill. This cute little guy and his accompanying ham were not in the house an hour before one of the kids ran by and claimed it for his own. Well, he really loves it so, how I'll get it back I'll never know. I think he can have it, I think he can, he really loves that Sam I am.

Back to business as usual....This little quilt is currently winging its way (probably stuck in Canadian customs) to Jill as I type. So of course its only a sneak peak but I'll give you a hint, its based on a children's book and its not the Three Little Pigs.....anyone want to take a guess? C'mon you know you want to.

Alright, how about this? The first one to guess correctly (by oh let's say 10AM Sunday March 22) gets a little surprise in the mail. Go on, it'll be good, little but good. Thinking caps on...children's literature...good luck! :)
edited to add: Alright I think this is a tough one so, one more clue...the author uses bits of torn papers to create their illustrations. And just in case your not up on your kiddie literature these days, leave me a comment telling me about your latest project and if no one guesses the correct title I'll draw a random number by the usual super secret method. Good luck!
It's so cool and hilarious that you celebrate St Pat's by having a leprechaun wreak havoc in your home, love it!
I have no idea what fairytale this is, wrackng my brains trying to think of something with 3 houses. I'm sure it's really obvious...
Eekkk! How cute is that quilt! I love it!
I love love love the Dr. Seuss quilt bit - that's adorable...
and the three little houses might belong to the Three Little Pigs...
Houses? hmmmmm to me it looked like a child in bed with his arms in the air...... very picasso like I guess....
houses?? How bout Goldilocks and the 3 bears?
Is it the tortois and the hare?
Crud, The rabbit and the turtle not tortois and hare!
now with your hint, it must be an eric carle story. i thought it was a turtle too. and the only eric carle stories i can think of are brown bear brown bear, polar bear polar bear, the very hungry catepilar, and the very busy spider.
but now i'm thinking of leo lionni. frederick?
and yes, i guess too many. oops.
Ooh! I have one of Eric Carle's that has some houses like that called the Secret Birthday Message! I'll bet that's it! This is very cute, by the way! I love little houses!
Green Eggs and Ham? Lol, I'm loving it whatever it is :o)
eric carlisle? but the only book I can think of is the one about a house for a hermit crab?
I love that the Leprechaun come and visits with you each year.!!
Well I tryed to do a look up but could not find anything. :(
I have no small ones anymore so I'm really clueless.
What I have been working on is a number of things..
spinning (yep making yarn)
wool rug hooking
and that is just the fun stuff. hehe
torn paper? Hmm, I am guessing Eric Carle too, but as for the title I am completely stuck - sorry!!!! It's a lovely sneaky peek though!
I love how your house gets visited by a leprechaun! What fun!
I love the Dr. Seuss quilt, but I have no idea about the mystery one...
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